Implementation & Services
Identifying, designing and implementing services that benefit the Australian community.

Implementation and services is the craft of identifying, implementing and delivering services that meet real needs.
To deliver great services we must start by identifying the requirements and challenges the services are trying to solve and why.
How can we ensure delivery of good government services?
I see two key components of that delivery of good government services. Firstly, it is designing and setting up those services, making sure you've got co-design, engagement, and quite clearly understanding the user experience of having the user voice, human centred design at the centre of it, having your plans, your risks understood, and all your capabilities pre- prepared. Then there is the execution or the actual final implementation of those services. What is fundamental about that is the people have to have the skills, the abilities, and the right posture, and the right understanding, and the ability and the professional empathy to engage with customers in very different circumstances to bring all that preparation to bear to get the right outcome for Australians.
How do we design and deliver services to meet our customer’s needs?
It's important not to deliver a government service in isolation. The individual, the Australian that we're serving, is having a range of other services and a range of other actions happening to them. What we do is we run the risk of making the world confusing for them and making the burden they wear to try and engage with us excessive, so designing those services in such a way with reference to other government, federal or state or local and how they fit together, leveraging off what I call are the natural processes of society where people do normal things, enables us to get a good outcome in terms of design for the individual.
What is the relationship between policy and delivery?
The relationship between policy and delivery is pivotal to success. The policy officers understand how delivery translates on the ground and ensure that the policy architecture is appropriate, relevant, and gets the right outcome. Secondly for the delivery capability, to understand the policy intent on what we're trying to achieve. That combination, both a challenge and an opportunity.
Delivering great services means:
- Following a service design and delivery process
- Understanding user and stakeholder needs
- Defining desired outcomes, measuring actual impact and adjusting accordingly
- Exploring and prototyping multiple solutions, sharing ideas early and often
- Understanding interactions between policy intent and delivery imperatives
- Identifying risks and managing them
- Working collaboratively in multidisciplinary teams – ideally from across government
- Displaying commercial intelligence whenever commissioning services
Tools and templates
APS Academy Courses
Programs, Scholarships and Secondments
Excellence in Professional Regulation
The Excellence in Professional Regulation pilot program is building capability and supporting the professional development of Australian Government regulators.
Do you know of other APS resources which could be shared to help build APS Craft awareness and capability?
Please contact the APS Academy via the Contact Us webform.