APS Induction
Foundational learning resources for new and returning APS employees through a guided learning pathway to start their APS career.

Welcome to the APS!
We hope you experience a rewarding and fulfilling career in the Australian Public Service (APS).
The APS Induction Pathway provides new and returning employees with essential information and guidance to work effectively in the APS.
The Induction pathway is a blended learning program, comprising a range of learning experiences. These include:
- APS Companion – digital magazine with links to essential information such as APS values, responsibilities, and support for your career.
- APS Unlocked – online event led by experienced APS leaders and practitioners who will share fundamental advice for working in the APS.
- APS Foundations – videos and online learning modules – new learning modules coming soon.
APS Induction Pathway
The APS Induction Pathway guides new and returning employees through foundational learning and essential information on working in the APS. The learning covers content that is common across APS agencies and roles.

The APS Induction Pathway provides suggested learning modules and information to orient you to working in the APS. It should be completed in combination with your agency induction.
By completing this induction pathway you can expect to learn about:
- Australia's system of government and your place within it.
- workplace legislation and policies, and your responsibilities within them.
- workplace culture and the part you will play.
You can choose the order of the modules or simply access the courses and resources that are relevant to you.
- Download the visual learning pathway:
- APS Induction Pathway (PDF - 83.91 KB)
- Sign into APSLearn to start working through your APS Induction learning
Get started with the APS Companion
The APS Companion digital magazine comprises the ‘must know’ information to work in the APS. This resource explains the APS environment, where to find important information and how to develop your APS career. Consider it your career companion.
Developed in partnership with APS agencies, the APS Companion provides vital information on:
- Who we are.
- What we do.
- How we work.
- Your role and responsibilities.
Click the image to open the APS Companion magazine.

- Download the APS Companion:
Hello, and welcome to the Australian Public Service.
The APS works hard to serve the Australian Community and our Government.
There are a range of policy, operational, regulatory, and specialist roles in various functions across 150 agencies.
To support your transition into the APS and your ongoing career, the APS Academy has created the APS Companion.
APS companion can be accessed on your phone, tablet or computer. It’s interactive, engaging and available when and where you need it!
Here, you can access a range of resources, articles, learning experiences, networks, courses, and toolkits essential to working in the APS. It also provides you with vital information on
Who we are, what we do, how we work, and your role and responsibilities.
APS Companion will support you to take control of your career and optimise your own Learning and Development, so you are ready to serve the Australian Community, and our Government from your very first day.
Simply bookmark your APS Companion to access it any time, or find it under Induction on the APS Academy website along with many other essential resources and learning experiences to support you throughout your APS career.
Supercharge your induction by joining us at APS Unlocked
APS Unlocked brings together new members of the APS (new or returning) to engage with experienced APS leaders and practitioners, who will share essential information and tips for a successful and productive career in the APS.
Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and build their APS network to gain the knowledge, confidence and capability needed in the early days of their APS career.
See full course details for more information, including available sessions.

APS Foundations
APS Foundations: Induction
APS Foundations: Induction
This course will help build your foundational knowledge about important aspects of Australia’s system of government, structures, and frameworks that relate to your work in the APS. It will also introduce you to some of the career opportunities and benefits you can look forward to.
Parliamentary Education Office
The Parliamentary Education Office (PEO) website has everything you need to know about the role, function, structure and people of the Australian Parliament.
The Australian Constitution information sheet
This fact sheet from the Parliament of Australia explains the Constitution, which is the foundation that establishes the rules for how Australia is governed.
Parliament of Australia
The Parliament of Australia website publishes extensive information on Parliamentary business, members, bills, committees and more. You can also live stream proceedings.
Government Directory of departments and agencies
The Australian Government Directory is a guide to the structures, organisations and key people in the Australian Government.
Budget Papers
The Budget Papers support the Budget-related decisions of government, providing the fiscal outlook for the Australian economy and highlighting major new initiatives of the government.
The Legislative framework for the Australian Public Service
The main legislation governing the operation of the Australian Public Service (APS) is the Public Service Act 1999 (the ACT).
Federal Register of Legislation
The Federal Register of Legislation (the Register) is the authorised whole-of-government website for Commonwealth legislation and related documents.
APS Foundations: Integrity in the APS
APS Foundations: Integrity in the APS
The aim of this course is to ensure you understand the importance of behaving ethically and with integrity in your APS role.
APSC Integrity Guidance
Integrity in the APS is a multi-layered concept that is shaped by frameworks and policies, assurance mechanisms, employees and broader organisational culture.
The Respect@Work website brings together a comprehensive set of resources to support individuals and organisations to better understand, prevent and address workplace sexual harassment.
APS Foundations: Fraud and Corruption
APS Foundations: Fraud and Corruption
Learn what fraud and corruption are, how they can occur and what your responsibilities are in dealing with fraud and corruption as a public official.
APS Foundations: Work Health and Safety
APS Foundations: Work Health and Safety
By undertaking this course you will learn what Work Health and Safety (WHS) is, why it is so important, key WHS principles, and your responsibilities.
Comcare – Your role
Comcare provides a range of information and learning resources on work health and safety and workers’ compensation laws.
Comcare Learning Resources
Comcare provides a range of learning resources to help identify, prevent and respond to bullying and harassment.
APS Foundations: Privacy Awareness
APS Foundations: Privacy Awareness
Learn how you must handle personal information and develop an understanding of how privacy breaches and complaints are managed.
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) is the independent national regulator for privacy and freedom of information.
OAIC privacy training resources
The OAIC has a suite of learning resources to help you understand your responsibilities under Privacy and Freedom of Information legislation.
Diversity and Inclusion
APS Induction - Diversity and Inclusion
During the course we will discuss what diversity and inclusion means in the APS, identify the legislation and policies you need to be aware of and consider how the APS demonstrates its commitment to diversity and inclusion.
APSC diversity and inclusion resources
The Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) provides a range of resources to support diversity and inclusion in APS workplaces.
APS Foundations: Money and Resources
APS Foundations: Money and Resources
An eLearning module for new starters recognising responsibilities and accountabilities for managing public resources.
Commonwealth Resource Management Framework eLearning
This course will empower you with the knowledge to understand and work with the framework and to understand your responsibilities under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 (the PGPA Act).
Managing Commonwealth Resources
The Commonwealth resource management framework governs how officials in the Commonwealth public sector use and manage public resources.
APS Foundations: Records Management
APS Foundations: – Records Management
In this course you will be introduced to the key principles and obligations associated with records management in the Australian Public Service (APS).
NAA information management training resources
The National Archives of Australia (NAA) provides a suite of resources for APS employees to ensure you understand key concepts and practices.
APS Foundations: Security Awareness
APS Foundations: Security Awareness
Learn about protective security arrangements in the public service, including physical security, information security and cyber security.
Protective Security Policy Framework
The Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF) helps Australian Government entities to protect their people, information and assets, both at home and overseas.