Writing and Evaluating Tender Criteria

Knowledge and practices relating to delivering effective evaluation outcomes. An essential course for anyone who will be required to sit on an evaluation panel. This course provides a set of tools and techniques to manage sourcing events and their evaluation in a manner that is efficient, accountable and delivers the right outcomes. It includes an overview of the end-to-end evaluation process, including evaluation criteria and scoring methods.
This learning experience has been provided by the Department of Finance.
Participant benefits
- Describe how to write tender criteria (including any relevant specifications) based on the business need.
- Describe the tender evaluation approach, considerations, and panel roles.
- Apply principles of probity, confidentiality, fairness, and value for money.
- Describe basic evaluation principles and how to conduct an evaluation.
- Make recommendations, provide feedback, and document outcomes.
Suitable for
All staff. Suitable for officials who are new to procurement, need a refresher, or want to move to a role in procurement. It will benefit APS working in procurement on an ad hoc basis, regular procurers, or delegates. It is suited to officials who manage quotes or tenders, assist in evaluating quotes or tenders, or oversees staff managing quotes or tenders.
Key topics
- Entity objectives and required outcomes, and clearly stipulating the requirement.
- Complying with policy requirements.
- Value for money in the evaluation process.
- The evaluation panel.
- Establishing probity.
- Establishing weighting and questions in a structured approach.
- Establishing a clear strategy for planning and preparation for evaluation.
- Capturing and documenting tender evaluation outcomes.
- Delivering recommendations and feedback.
Category and User level
This learning experience is part of the Commonwealth Procurement and Contract Management Training program and aligns with the Implementation & Services Craft at the Foundation level.
Free of charge.