At the heart of the APS is the pursuit of high standards of professionalism – both in what we do, and how we do it. It is the foundation of trust on which public service effectiveness is built.
The Integrity of APS employees and agencies is central to building a high-performing and trusted public service. Integrity in the APS is the pursuit of high standards of professionalism—both in what we do, and in how we do it.
To practise integrity well, knowing the ‘rules’ is necessary but not sufficient—we also need to know how to interpret and apply them successfully in a range of situations. Integrity is a core consideration of our individual conduct and guides how we think and undertake our work as an organisation.
APS Craft: Integrity – Jaala Hinchcliffe
I'm so excited that in the APS Academy, we're looking at integrity as being central to the craft.
What is integrity?
Integrity relates to our own actions, but also relates to what we see around us and knowing what to do when we see things around us, where we think that perhaps people are acting without integrity and/or without accountability and knowing what do you do in that situation?
What’s your advice on how to act with integrity?
My advice to people would always be, if you see a problem or you make an error, the first thing that you should do is let somebody know and let it be fixed because that's how you display integrity.
Why is it important for the APS to act with integrity?
When people see the public service acting with integrity, that increases the view of trust.
Why is it important to continuously practice integrity?
As we develop in our careers, we will come into more and more situations where the decision making is really difficult and it's much more grey than just the black and white of applying rules. And we need to prepare people to be able to be in those situations and to be able to make decisions with integrity. And that takes the provision, not just of understanding the rules, but of being able to practice making decisions with integrity in hard situations.
How will the Academy help develop integrity in the APS?
The APS Academy will provide a space to be able to both understand the rules for more junior employees. And to then for more senior employees be able to operate in that practice situation of applying integrity in grey situations.
We can strengthen our integrity culture by:
- Building APS employees’ awareness, across all levels, of their obligations for working professionally
- Enhancing the capability of APS employees to identify and work through ethical challenges, ensuring we have or can develop the skills, knowledge and abilities to address integrity concerns and make sound decisions
- Assuring accountability for decisions and actions at every level, and systems for addressing concerns about employees’ integrity or conduct appropriately and consistently.
Tools and templates
Integrity MasterCraft Series
Integrity Mastercraft Series
Integrity MasterCraft Series
APS Academy Courses
Do you know of other APS resources which could be shared to help build APS Craft awareness and capability?
Please contact the APS Academy via the Contact Us webform.