ATO Integrity based group-discussion resources for leaders
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) use various methods to raise awareness of internal fraud and corruption risks and promote a culture of high organisational integrity.
One of these is the development of a suite of self-serve resources. The suite consists of team activities designed to be led by managers and to encourage team-based conversations.
The activities are short, and managers can choose from a range of topics. They only take 10-20 minutes, making them easy to include in regular team meetings.
Each activity contains a scenario, questions and answers to guide discussions.
Learning outcomes are aimed at providing insights into what constitutes fraud and corruption, consequences of unethical behaviour and how to prevent, detect and report integrity concerns, including information on where to find tools and support resources.
This content was provided by the ATO.
NB: ATO specific hyperlinks referred to in the case studies will not open for users outside the ATO.
Suitable for
APS 4 – SES Band 1.
Craft and User Level
This aligns with the Integrity Craft at the Practitioner level.
Related topics
Integrity; Values; Risk management; Leading in the APS; Working in teams; Coaching;
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Corruption awareness activities
Fraud awareness activities