The Digital Traineeship Program welcomed its first participants on Monday 6 November under the Australian Government pilot initiative to grow digital capability and diversify the APS workforce.
The Australian Policy Cycle designed by James Gulliver Hancock provides an easy to follow visual of the key milestones required for best practice government decision making.
Due to its hidden nature, fraud against the public sector is often misunderstood and underestimated. Fraud against the public sector has a real impact on all of us.
These Continuous Learning conversation starters offer guidance and inspiration on how to have effective conversations about developing continuous learning practices.
A long-term knowledge management project for the Australian Border Force College to retain critical skills and reverse the brain drain for regulatory roles.
The APS Academy is developing a Continuous Learning Implementation Guide and Continuous Learning Toolkit. Do you have resources, templates or guidance to support the project?
The Townsville APS Academy Campus officially opened at James Cook University on 27 October under the Australian Government initiative to address data and digital skills shortages in the APS.
Digital and data literacy is an understanding of how to use digital tools and data. Find your digital strengths and weaknesses with the Digital Competence Wheel.