Procurement for SES Delegates - April

This course is a high-level overview of the procurement lifecycle and provides guidance to SES delegates on their role and responsibilities in each phase, from planning through to contract management, ensuring that senior executives are not only aware of their critical roles but are also prepared to lead their teams effectively, enhancing the overall performance and accountability of procurement activities.
There is also a focus on creating a positive procurement culture, emphasising the importance of ethical behaviour, transparency, and value for money, and support for their staff by resourcing activities appropriately.
This learning experience has been provided by Department of Finance.
Participant benefits
- Describe the broader considerations expected of SES delegates when leading procurement activities.
- Explain and apply the role and responsibilities as SES delegates through all phases of the procurement lifecycle.
- Be able to assess procurement activities to determine if value for money has been achieved.
Suitable for
SES Band 1 - 3
- This course is for SES only.
- If you are an EL2 acting in an SES position, please email to attend this course.
Key topics
- Legislative frameworks and rules.
- The phases in the procurement lifecycle.
- Your role, and the role of your team through procurement lifecycle phases.
- Resourcing in procurement activities.
- Achieving value for money in procurement.
- Probity and integrity in procurement.
- Helpful resources.
Category and User Level
This learning experience is part of the Commonwealth Procurement and Contract Management Training program and aligns with the Implementation & Services Craft at the Foundation level.
Free of charge.
Department of Finance
1 Canberra Ave
ACT 2603
Additional Information
- To enrol in this session you will need a valid APSLearn profile.
- Steps on how to create an APSLearn profile or to view FAQs can be found here.
- If you have moved Departments or you have multiple APSLearn profiles, you can request to merge your profiles here.
- If your training venue is at MoAD, please refer to the directional map to assist with locating the training room.
* Capacity limits may apply. Please log into APSLearn to check availability.
- If the session is full or none of the additional sessions are suitable, you can express your interest, through APSLearn, for this event. You will be added to a mailing list to be notified when a new session becomes available.