The Multicultural Organisation – Staff Awareness, Innovation and Capability (MOSAIC) magazine is a digital learning resource to enhance multicultural awareness and uplift culturally inclusive practices and behaviours across the APS. It supports the objectives of the APS Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Employment Strategy and Action Plan to provide a safe and supportive work environment for APS employees to thrive.
The MOSAIC magazine is a funded project under Round One of the Capability Reinvestment Fund. It is a cross-agency project developed by the Australian Public Service Commission (APSC), the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C), the Department of Home Affairs and the Department of Finance, and in consultation with an expert advisory panel consisting of academia, diversity, equity and inclusion specialists and practitioners, HR practitioners, CALD and non-CALD leaders and employees.
The magazine will be released in two parts.
Part One of the magazine (available now) enhances the multicultural awareness of all APS employees, so everyone can contribute to creating a safe and inclusive workplace for all.
Part Two of the magazine (coming soon) supports APS 6 to Senior Executive Service (SES) leaders to champion cultural diversity and inclusion in their teams and organisations. It helps them lead culturally safe workplaces to prevent racial discrimination.
Built on the following three pillars, the magazine:
is based on academic research and best practice
weaves in personal stories and lived experiences of CALD employees
provides practical guidance, toolkits and resources.
Drawing on the APS Learning Quality Framework, the magazine offers a contemporary and innovative approach to learning and development. It incorporates a variety of multimedia, including downloadable resources to enhance the learning experience. It supports self-paced learning, with features to help learners control their own learning journey, take moments to pause, ponder and reflect, facilitate team activities and develop a personalised action plan for uplifting multicultural capability.
The MOSAIC magazine is freely available to APS employees through APS Learn and on the APS People – Cultural Capability page.
Begin your multicultural awareness and capability uplift today and stay tuned for the release of Part Two.
If your agency is interested in hosting MOSAIC on their own learning management system, please contact the APS Academy via the Contact Us form.