Author - Australian Taxation Office
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) use various methods to live a pro-integrity culture including raising awareness of integrity and accountability in the workplace.
The ‘One Habit at a Time’ program contains individual reflection, and team-based discussion activities focusing on 5 habits that align to ATO cultural traits. These habits are key in making positive changes to the way we work together, as one APS. Focusing on changing everyday habits, one at a time, gives the opportunity to practice new ways of thinking until it becomes part of our routine, and our culture.
The ‘Own It’ habit highlights the important role leaders play in role modelling the right behaviours, and creating an environment where people feel safe and empowered to own their actions, outcomes, mistakes, and behaviours.
Below is the ATO’s suite of self-serve ‘Own It’ resources to equip leaders with simple yet practical activities and resources to support their teams. The theme of the suite brings to life the empowered and trusted cultural trait through everyday behaviours and habits. The suite consists of leader led conversation starters, useful resources, and fun reflection and peer activities designed to be led by leaders to encourage team-based conversations.
The activities are short, and leaders can choose from a range of topics. Activities vary between 10 minutes to 60 minutes, making them easy to include in regular team meetings. You can adjust them for your context.
Access the ‘Own It’ resources and start leader led team conversations!
Read “Integrity is at the heart of everything at the ATO” for further information on the ATO’s approach to building and maintaining integrity and its One Habit at a Time program.