Core Cultural Learning: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia

Core Cultural Learning: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia is a foundational e-learning course on respecting and understanding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and cultures for the Australian Public Service (APS).
Core will give you a foundational understanding and appreciation of: Cultural perspectives and a greater understanding of your own cultural lens; unique aspects of Australian Indigenous culture; and history and its continuing impact.
This learning experience was provided by AIATSIS and was originally created in collaboration with the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet and the Department of Social Services.
Participant benefits
- Cultural understanding and capability.
- Tools and understanding to work in culturally diverse workplaces.
- Growth of workplace values in diversity and cultural learning.
- Alignment with Reconciliation Action Plan goals.
Suitable for
All staff..
The course is aimed at all members of the APS including: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, staff of all classification levels; and staff who are both working in Indigenous-specific agencies and in ‘mainstream’ sections of the APS.
- Each module takes approximately one hour to complete with an additional (minimum) 30 minutes needed to complete the reflection activities.
- Core cultural learning is not intended to be completed in a single sitting, but rather it is anticipated that you will complete the course at your own pace, allowing for ongoing reflection about how your learning might inform your professional practices. It is recommended you undertake the course of a few months or even a year.
- To ensure you get the most out of this course, you should take your time so you can continuously reflect on your learning and actively consider how it will inform your practice in the workplace going forward.
Category and User level
This learning experience aligns with APS People (Diversity & Inclusion) at the Foundation level.
Free of charge.