Program: APS Mental Health Capability Hub

The APS Mental Health Capability Hub supports APS agencies to align their corporate practices with the APS Mental Health Capability Framework. The framework is a tailored, systems-based approach to building mental health and suicide prevention capability within the APS. It provides an overarching architecture for agencies to use as a base from which to build mental health capability, while remaining flexible and adaptable to agency-specific needs.
The Hub is a blended program, with a series of course pages with information and guidance targeting different components of framework alignment. There are course pages on assessing your agency's maturity against the framework and planning to increase your agency's maturity of practice. There are also course pages aimed at uplifting your agency's capability, including practice guidance, relational capability programs, guidance to roll-out the available eLearning capability suites and advice on responding to psychosocial hazards. The Hub is designed to evolve over time, with updates made to existing resources and new resources created regularly.
The APS Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Unit provides APS agencies aligning their practices to the framework with coaching and support. Contact with questions or requests for assistance. Note: The Unit does not provide clinical advice on specific staffing matters. APS staff seeking guidance on the mental health and wellbeing supports available to them should contact their agency's human resources area.
This content has been provided by the APS Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Unit, Australian Public Service Commission. © Commonwealth of Australia 2023.
Participant benefits
- Align agency corporate practices with the APS Mental Health Capability Framework.
Suitable for
APS 4 - SES 3
👥This content has been developed specifically for APS staff with responsibility for their agency's mental health, wellbeing and suicide prevention initiatives.
❕ This content contains discussion on psychological trauma and adversity, distress, suicide and self-harm. If you are emotionally impacted by the information presented, please seek support and speak with your team leader/manager or human resources area. Support is also available from:
- your agency’s Employee Assistance Program
- Lifeline on 13 11 14 or by text on 0477 13 11 14 (available 24/7)
- 13YARN on 13 92 76 (available 24/7) for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
- Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467 (available 24/7).
APS craft and user level
This program aligns with APS People at the Practitioner level.
Free of charge.
The APS Mental Health Capability Hub supports APS agencies to align their corporate practices with the APS Mental Health Capability Framework. The framework is a tailored, systems-based approach to building mental health and suicide prevention capability within the APS. It provides an overarching architecture for agencies to use as a base from which to build mental health capability, while remaining flexible and adaptable to agency-specific needs.
The Hub is a blended program, with a series of course pages with information and guidance targeting different components of framework alignment. There are course pages on assessing your agency's maturity against the framework and planning to increase your agency's maturity of practice. There are also course pages aimed at uplifting your agency's capability, including practice guidance, relational capability programs, guidance to roll-out the available eLearning capability suites and advice on responding to psychosocial hazards. The Hub is designed to evolve over time, with updates made to existing resources and new resources created regularly.
The APS Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Unit provides APS agencies aligning their practices to the framework with coaching and support. Contact with questions or requests for assistance. Note: The Unit does not provide clinical advice on specific staffing matters. APS staff seeking guidance on the mental health and wellbeing supports available to them should contact their agency's human resources area.
This content has been provided by the APS Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Unit, Australian Public Service Commission. © Commonwealth of Australia 2023.
Full course details
See full course details for more information.
👥This content has been developed specifically for APS staff with responsibility for their agency's mental health, wellbeing and suicide prevention initiatives.
❕ This content contains discussion on psychological trauma and adversity, distress, suicide and self-harm. If you are emotionally impacted by the information presented, please seek support and speak with your team leader/manager or human resources area. Support is also available from:
- your agency’s Employee Assistance Program
- Lifeline on 13 11 14 or by text on 0477 13 11 14 (available 24/7)
- 13YARN on 13 92 76 (available 24/7) for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
- Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467 (available 24/7).
Additional Information
- To enrol in this session you will need a valid APSLearn profile.
- Steps on how to create an APSLearn profile or to view FAQs can be found here.
- If you have moved Departments or you have multiple APSLearn profiles, you can request to merge your profiles here.
- If your training venue is at MoAD, please refer to the directional map to assist with locating the training room.
* Capacity limits may apply. Please log into APSLearn to check availability.
- If the session is full or none of the additional sessions are suitable, you can express your interest, through APSLearn, for this event. You will be added to a mailing list to be notified when a new session becomes available.