By the Office for Women, Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet
“To achieve an Australia where people are safe, treated with respect, have choices and have access to resources and equal outcomes no matter their gender, women and gender equality must be at the centre of Australia’s economic plan.”
Women’s Budget Statement 2024-25
Since 1902, when many women in Australia were granted the right to vote, Australia has continued to make significant progress towards achieving gender equality. However, we still have a way to go before we can say that things are actually working for women in this country.
In May 2022, the Government committed to putting gender equality at the heart of policy and decision making, with the reintroduction of gender responsive budgeting (GRB). GRB weaves consideration of gender impact through the Budget process and is a key way governments can identify and fund measures that close gender gaps.
What does this mean in practice?
Since the Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) 2023-24, all departments are now required to undertake gender analysis for New Policy Proposals (NPPs) and Cabinet submissions. To support the APS in understanding these requirements and developing gender analysis capability, the Office for Women (OFW) was provided funding through the Capability Reinvestment Fund (CRF) for the NextGEN: Policy for a Gender Equal Nation project. The project, which finished on 30 June 2024, aimed to develop a suite of resources to help uplift the gender analysis capability of the APS.
As part of this project, OFW have launched the APS Gender Analysis Community of Practice – a one stop shop for gender analysis information and resources!
What can I find on the Gender Analysis Community of Practice?
The Community of Practice is a central online hub for all APS employees. It hosts information, resources and tools to help build your gender analysis and GRB capabilities
These resources have been designed to supplement gender analysis tools that are already available to policy makers, including the APS Guide to Gender Analysis and Gender Impact Assessment, the Gender Impact Assessment Template and Gender Awareness Foundations eLearning course.

How do I join the platform?
If you would like, join the Community of Practice today.
For further information on the Community of Practice, or if you have any issues with registration, please reach out to the OFW Gender Analysis Capability team.